I'm Virtually Yours, by France-based authorJennifer Bohnet, is about a virtual assistant asked to take her work into the concrete world. The summary says: "Polly Jones is taken aback when a new client asks her to investigate the Robertson family business in Devon, after all, a 'virtual assistant' doesn't usually leave their home office! But she needs the work - and less proximity to an endless supply of tea and biscuits can only be a good thing right? So she sets off, with energetic puppy Rosie close by her side. Polly's new job isn't quite in her comfort zone... Arriving in the small fishing village where everyone knows everyone's business, any upsides (all those yummy scones and clotted cream) of course have their downside - she's completely forgotten to pack her sea legs, and the temptingly handsome Will Robertson is making her job difficult at every turn. It's so much easier to keep things strictly professional in the virtual world - but with no e-mail to hide behind Polly must admit that Will's smile is incredibly, deliciously distracting..."