Hot Cross Mum - Hazel Gaynor (2011)
These days so many people (mothers and fathers) suddenly find themselves unemployed and thrust into the world of stay-at-home parenting. Hot Cross Mum tells a wonderful story of a successful working mother who unexpectedly finds herself forced into the position of full-time parent. The book is written in a witty series of journal type entries that tracks one mum's journey through all the mishaps, play dates, tears and even those embarrassing situations that you'd love to forget ever happened. You will find yourself smiling, and maybe even laughing out loud while you read this charming story. Whether you have children or not this is a fun read for all because we've all witnessed those temper-tantrums at one time or another. This is an honest and fun look at what happens when you find yourself trying to juggle kids, household chores, flaring tempers and your own sanity, while maintaining your own identity. You can check out Hazel's blog Hot Cross Mum and follow her daily ups and downs of parenting long after you finish the book. (CF)

Hazel Gaynor's novel, Hot Cross Mum: Bitesize Slices of Motherhood, takes you on a journey through the life of a woman who leaves the corporate world behind, and tries to adjust to life at home with her children. The summary says: "What do you do when your skinny latte, nice desk and excuse to wear high heels are taken away and replaced with instant coffee, the kitchen table and runners? This is exactly the dilemma faced by one mother following redundancy from her job at a top Dublin law firm. Hot Cross Mum: Bitesize Slices of Motherhood charts her journey as she adjusts to a life at home with her young family. There are many highs; days when she bursts with love and pride for her two boys and days when nothing gets spilt or broken. But there are also the lows; when the days seem endless, the dinner is thrown on the floor and there isn't any tonic for the gin." This book can be found in eBook format through Smashwords, ReaderStore, Barnes & Noble, Amazon Kindle, iBookstore, and Diesel. (CF)