Four Kisses - Bonnie Dee (2011)
You never forget your first kiss. Jen Adams and Drake Malinson's paths first cross when thirteen-year-old Jen is hanging at the beach with her friends. The next time they come across each other is the night of junior prom and Jen has just found her boyfriend with another girl and somehow she finds herself in Drake's arms once again. They share an amazing night together and again go their separate ways. Again years pass, and now Jen is in her 20s and working as a public attorney. She finds herself with a case file for a Drake Malinson. Again they have chemistry that pulls them together. This is their third kiss. Once more years pass and Jen runs into Drake again - this time he is in a suit and looks amazing - the troublesome Drake has been replaced by a businessman. This time will they share kisses forever or will they miss their chance once again? This novella was such a lovely story which reminded me of Cecelia Ahern's Where Rainbows End. (PP)