Find Me I'm Yours - Hillary Carlip (2014)
This is an e-book with a difference, which follows the hilarious ups and downs in Mags Marclay's love life as she strives to find her soulmate. After a string of disappointing relationships, will her quest to find The One just end up being another of her uncompleted tasks? Sick of always being "the pretty girl's best friend", Mags embarks on her quest online - leaving no stone unturned. So what happens when she buys a camera that has a video in it with the challenge to "find me, I'm yours"? Could this be fate bringing Mags and her soulmate together? The race is on to solve the clues and find Mr Right. While we follow 24-year-old Mags, a graphic designer at Bridalville magazine, as she tries to find Mr Right - we are given a variety of different links and images which lead you to an awesome array of blogs, websites, interactive polls, and other interesting and fun attachments. Mags' story is well-written and hilarious, with a tribe of colourful characters like her best workmate Coco (young and happily married and Mags' number 1 supporter to find Mr Right); her ex Jason (who breaks her heart over and over again); and her horrific roommate S.H.A.R.I (aka "Satan in stilettos"). I was amazed by the different types of links and ways to interact and connect with the reader. This so-called click lit is a rom-com read with a difference for online readers. (AT)