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How to Stylishly Fall From Grace (2009)
Zoe Chapman lives a life of luxury. She has a great job, a beautiful townhouse, rows of designer shoes, closets full of expensive clothes and rooms full of imported furniture. All that Zoe has missing is her prince charming. On one of Zoe's weekend Broadway getaways, she meets a charismatic man Beau, a New York City photographer. They start a long- distance relationship filled with lavish weekend visits full of restaurants, fancy hotels and grand city events. Zoe falls head over heels and thinks Beau may be the man of her dreams. She feels the next step for her to take is to move to be with Beau in New York, leaving her family, job, and fantastic townhouse behind. Will this be her fairytale ending? Felicia Coley has made Zoe one of my favourite characters - ever. She is witty, humorous and calls it like she sees it. I felt like I was catching up with one of my best friends while reading this book, at times Zoe's predicaments had my heart racing, and at times I found myself laughing out loud. I cannot wait to see what the author writes next. (AV)