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Alice Brown's Lessons in the Curious Art of Dating (2012)
Alice Brown is a hopeless romantic who has the perfect job as a matchmaker. She painstakingly looks for the happy-ever-after for her clients, even though she hasn't found it for herself. Her boss Audrey dislikes Alice for her frumpy cardigans and her daydreaming exploits at work; afraid that she isn't presenting the perfect image for her matchmaking business. Only Audrey is hiding secrets that would mean her own image is less than perfect. Then there is Alice's client Kate, who is desperate to get married and is all too aware of her biological clock ticking away as she approaches her 35th birthday. And Kate's friend Lou doesn't believe she needs a happy ending.The book is written from the different characters' perspectives as they all struggle to find themselves and their perfect partner. It's quirky, heart-warming and the characters come alive. A great debut novel. (AB)

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