The novel revolves around three characters. Journalist Katya works hard to keep her job in a tech blog even if her boyfriend - who doesn’t want her career to collide with his - and her boss - who seems to have more than professional mentorship in mind - don’t make things easy for her. Sabrina, a thirty-six-year-old mother of two, is still trying to understand how to work through social media and to make her marriage work. And Mack McAllister is a young entrepreneur who started a successful tech company and has to deal with investors and a complicated love life.
I loved the female characters in this novel. They are strong women who stand up for themselves and don’t let arrogant men walk over them. The author perfectly portrays the difference between two generations: the over-thirties who grew up before the internet and whose main concern is building a family and finding a house in the right school district and the younger generation, just out of college, who party all night, drink green juice and communicate only through an app. Set in an age where social media influences people’s lives, this is a funny, sharp, and absorbing novel about ambition, money, love, and family. (NP)