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Born Under a Lucky Moon (2011)
Jeannie Thompson has just been proposed to by the love of her life - her perfect boyfriend Aiden - but just can't say yes. The story flip-flops from present times to Jeannie's young adulthood as Jeannie tries to explain to Aiden how marriage and her family's luck just don't mix. You see, Jeannie's eccentric family has a very unlucky streak. As you follow Jeannie's story in present tense and in the past, it weaves seamlessly and entertainingly thanks to the author's easy writing. I couldn't put this book down. I love how Jeannie's family was totally unbearable and endearing at the same time. You love and hate them with the same passion throughout the book. Jeannie's mum, in particular, is the best fleshed-out character, and I adore her the most. (AV)