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Marriage Matters (2013)
Chloe wants to find the perfect man, but with grad school and work, she has low expectations that she will ever find the one. When Chloe, her mother Kristine and her grandmother June all catch the bouquet at a wedding, the idea of happily ever after starts to take on a new meaning. Chloe suddenly finds herself engaged to a handsome and brilliant man. Everything is perfect with her new engagement, except her best friend Ben doesn't seem to be taking the news very well. Kristine is married and finding herself in a relationship rut. Can she honestly renew her vows when a tempting photographer makes her question her marriage? June gave up the idea of finding love again after her husband died years ago. She never expected to find love twice in her lifetime, but with her handsome widowed neighbour, wedding bells begin to ring. With three ceremonies on the horizon, the three generations of women decide to share a wedding. A few twists and surprises make the ceremony unforgettable. This is a great story about mothers and daughters and the bond between them. (AO)

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