Courting Samira, by Sydney-based editor Amal Awad, offers a light-hearted glimpse into the life of a young, single Muslim woman living in Australia. The summary says: "Imagine if Bridget Jones' parents went on all her dates. Or if Carrie Bradshaw could only get to know Mr Big in her parents' living room. Welcome to Samira's world, a headscarf-wearing 27-year-old editorial assistant at a bridal magazine in Sydney. While her colleagues' work days are punctuated by bars and boyfriends, Samira faces an endless round of visiting male suitors - awkward meetings in her living room (not even proper dates). At least her mum puts out the nice chocolate biscuits, instead of the plain ones she usually buys. Struggling to balance her very modern career and life with her very traditional community's norms, Samira despairs of what she cheekily refers to as the "doorknock appeal" system. Then a chance meeting - and an evil cousin's engagement - changes everything."