Confessions of a City Girl, by Suzana S, is based on a column from thelondonpaper and gives an insider's view into the city's testosterone-driven financial district. The anonymous writer was unmasked last year as American 20-something Barbara Stcherbatcheff who arrived in London in 2004. She has said the book is a mix of fact and fiction. The summary says: "City Girl was watching when all the boys thought they were masters of the universe. She was there when they blew their bonuses on Lamborghinis and lap dancers. She was fighting for survival as they sent the country into the worst slump since the Great Depression. (She) joined her first merchant bank in the boom days. She worked for old-school stockbrokers in the shadow of the Bank of England and competed against the bad-boy brokers of Canary Wharf. She worked with the super-rich hedge-fund managers in the sleek streets of Mayfair. She met, married and divorced her very own City Boy. She made and lost millions of pounds. She's seen it all, done it all and lived to tell the tale. She's here to tell us what went wrong and why the girls are the only ones who can put it right."