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Screen Play (2010)
Thirty-year-old Harper Gray has had a year of constant struggles from her boyfriend leaving her and finding herself constantly out of work and broke. As an actress, she knows about living paycheck to paycheck and that there is a high chance that you'll never make it. After a year of getting to know God and trying to reach out to him and hear her prayers, it may have paid off. Harper receives a phone call from two old friends Ben (now a theatre director) and Avril (now a leading actress), asking her if she would consider being an understudy in a Broadway play that Ben is directing called Apartment 19. As she arrives in New York City, Harper realises that this may very well be the start of a new chapter in her life. After hearing Avril rave on about internet dating site LoveSetMatch.Com, Harper signs up but only seems to find matches who live far away. This is an awesome Christian lit story that threads together inspiration, friendship, love and faith. (PP)

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A Beautiful Fall