Between the Sheets, by Scarlett O'Kelly, tells the story of one Irish woman's plucky plan to beat the recession. The summary says: "What do you do when you become a statistic - jobless, hopeless and mired in debt? Well, one ordinary middle-class Irish woman answered that question by becoming an escort. Between the Sheets is an illuminating and explicit account of a year spent working as an escort in middle Ireland. It is a gripping account of living a double life - and the high price it exacts. And it is an insightful view of the toll the recession is taking on the intimate lives of Irish couples. However, Between the Sheets is also startling and enlightening. The author describes how, in coming face to face with Irishmen's deepest fears and desires, she saw a side of them she never expected to, a side she believes remains hidden from most women. And she also found that though she set out to make money, along the way she became sexually liberated herself. Her experience gave her a unique insight into how women can be happier and more fulfilled in their sex lives and have stronger relationships as a result."