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Gossip (2012)
Lovie has two best friends from her time at boarding school, Avis and Dinah. They each have a great affection for Lovie but merely tolerate each other. They find themselves thrust together, however, with Lovie in the middle, when Avis' daughter and Dinah's son become engaged. What follows is a story of polar opposites coming together for the good of their children and the consequences of how we speak about others with each other, be it real or imagined, good or ill-intended. Gossip is one of those books that I had such high hopes for but which just didn't win me over in the end. I found the story to be somewhat disjointed, with bits and pieces of each woman's life thrown in randomly, as if for filler. I kept hoping something would tie everything together but never got that sense, even by the end. (LEK)

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