Becoming Scarlett - Ciara Geraghty (2010)
Wedding planner Scarlett O'Hara likes to have her life in order. But everything goes into disarray when her normally sensible boyfriend John leaves her to go on an archaeological dig to Brazil and she retaliates with a one-night stand with barman 'Red' Butler. So now not only is her pregnancy going to totally wreck her five-year plan, she's not even sure who the father is. On the work front, Scarlett's got a big wedding to plan - and a promotion to earn, all while constantly throwing up without warning. Although this book falls a bit flat in places - and a few plot developments are highly predictable - the writing style and the well-developed, memorable characters more than make up for it. The highlight: how Scarlett deals with the arrival of her baby.

Ciara Geraghty follows up her highly acclaimed debut Saving Grace with a novel about a woman who finds she's become accidentally pregnant. The summary for Becoming Scarlett says: "Scarlett is brilliant at organising - from her family to her job as a wedding planner, she loves the feeling of having things under control. Except that suddenly, things are slipping out of her hands - like the fact that her boyfriend, always so reliable, has suddenly taken himself off travelling. And that after a one-night stand, she discovers that she's pregnant . . The worst bit is she can't be sure who the father of the baby is - even though she's slept with exactly four-and-a-half men in her entire 35 years. And she's also developed feelings for her most important client's husband-to-be."