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The All You Can Dream Buffet (2014)
Four well-known food blogging friends finally meet in person. Lavender, the eldest of the four, is hosting the women at her beautiful farm known for its expansive lavender fields and honey for her 85th birthday bash. Ruby, a young vegan chef, has just had her heart shattered and is in need of a new beginning. Ginny, a famous unhappily married cake blogger, has never stepped foot out of Kansas and is ready for adventure. Valerie, a widowed wine blogger on hiatus, is on her first road trip with her difficult teenaged daughter, who is still mourning the loss of her dad and sisters. The four women are each at major turning points in their lives, and there are good surprises and some rough detours ahead of them - both on their journey to Lavender's farm, and once they arrive. An uplifting and well-written book about friendship, love, and finding yourself, Barbara O'Neal paints breathtaking landscapes and scenery with her writing. Though this book is told from three different points of view, you're never left confused or feeling like you're missing out on anything. This was my first Barbara O'Neal book but it won't be my last. (AV)

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Also by author:
The Garden of Happy Endings
How to Bake a Perfect Life
The Secret of Everything
The Lost Recipe for Happiness