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Help Wanted, Desperately (2004)
As Alexa Hoffman is finishing her final year of college, she starts applying for a job - any job. From a deodorant sniffer, voice of Meow TV, earthworm breeder and sex phone operator, Alexa is desperate to find a position that will let her move to New York to join her boyfriend Jared. And if she doesn't find something, she's booked on a flight to the Pacific island of Majuro to teach English. But she discovers that interviewing for jobs is soul-destroying (who knew you needed aligned nipples?) And all the positive fortune cookies in the world aren't going to help now. The book is based on Horn's own job hunt experiences, including winning a national contest to become the voice of a TV show for cats (unfortunately it never went beyond its pilot). She eventually got a job as a teacher and wrote this book. A very humorous read.