5 Peppermint Grove - Michelle Jackson (2012)
Ruth takes up a job in Australia with Tourism Ireland, leaving behind her cad of a married boyfriend. Even though her best friend, Julia, found the job for her, Julia still has mixed feelings about her upping sticks and moving to the other side of the world. Julia visits her friend not long after Ruth settles in, and together they visit the sights of Perth. Ruth is also keen to discover the secret behind an unsent letter her mother Angela - who returned to Ireland after living in Perth during the 1970s - addressed to a man at 5 Peppermint Grove. They visit the house in the very expensive suburb and find it is now a construction site, where they meet architect Brian. The story swings between Australia and Ireland, with lots going on back in Ruth's home country. Jackson as usual peppers her story with lots of descriptive colour - and it may well encourage you to visit Perth (Chicklit Club's hometown).

5 Peppermint Grove by Michelle Jackson, is about an Irish girl who moves to Australia. The summary says: "Emigration, emigration, emigration . . . Ruth Travers is leaving Ireland like so many of the Irish Diaspora who have gone before her. But, instead of a coffin ship, she's travelling business class on a Boeing 777 and will be landing in sunny Perth, Western Australia. Leaving behind her married boyfriend of 10 years, Ruth hopes to make a fresh start. Her mother Angela, who lived in Perth in the 70s, is distraught when she hears that Ruth is Australia bound. It is only when Ruth discovers a sealed airmail envelope, with 5 Peppermint Grove, Perth, scrawled across it in her mother's handwriting, that she wonders what else Angela may be hiding. Her best friend Julia Perrin gently orchestrated the move to Perth for her friend's own good. She is a successful businesswoman with her own travel company and so busy fixing everybody else's life she sees no need to do so with her own . . . until she visits Ruth in Perth! Sunshine, sandy beaches and barbeques abound but there may be more than Angela's secret waiting for them in Peppermint Grove . . ."