4am in Las Vegas - Michelle Jackson (2011)
It's Halloween in Las Vegas and things are crazier than normal for wedding planner Connie. Vicky and Frank are in town for their nuptials but she soon realises that he has more on his mind than wedding bells. Vicky's teenage daughter Tina is less than impressed until she meets Connie's moody and enigmatic son Kyle. Frank's brother John is trying to hold everyone together but then something happens that turns the wedding party on their heads at 4am in Las Vegas! Life and love seem to have slipped through Suzanne's fingers but then, new to Facebook, she stumbles upon more than she expected when she receives a friend request from old flame Ronan in Boston. He's on his way to Las Vegas for a work convention and Suzanne's friend Eddie convinces her that she should go too. What has she got to lose? When they all meet in Binion's Casino the cards have already been dealt but will there be a winner? 4am in Las Vegas starts with a bang in the prologue, and doesn't let up until the last page. Michelle Jackson has a gift for creating a sense of place, and the rich descriptions of the book's titular location will make you feel like you're there with the characters. Although you'll be transported to the world of casinos, hotels and the landmarks that we've come to expect from books set in Vegas, there's also a lot more to this tale - each chapter begins with a proverb or quotation that reflects the behaviour of the characters, and as a whole, they left me asking myself about the book's underlying message. Is Vegas, and the behaviour of the characters there, a reflection of the best and worst of how we have evolved over time, and have we forgotten how to respect the cycle of life and the things that truly matter? One thing is for sure - 4am in Las Vegas is a book that brings the reader not only on the book's journey, but into the journey. (SBB)

Michelle Jackson heads to Las Vegas for her latest novel, 4am in Las Vegas. The synopis says: "It's Halloween in Las Vegas and things are crazier than normal for Connie, the wedding planner. Vicky and Frank are in town for their nuptials but Vicky's teenage daughter Tina is less than impressed until she meets Connie's moody and enigmatic son Kyle. Frank's brother John is trying to hold everyone together but something happens that turns the wedding party on their heads at 4am in Las Vegas! Suzanne is new to Facebook and has stumbled upon more than she expected when she receives a friend request from Ronan in Boston. He's on his way to Las Vegas for a work convention and Suzanne's friend Eddie convinces her that she should go too. When they all meet in Binion's Casino the cards have already been dealt but will there be a winner?"