In this sequel to Kevin Dickson and Jack Ketsoyan's Blind Item, three young Hollywood professionals strive to keep the industry's salacious scandals under wraps during awards season.
The summary of Guilty Pleasure says: "Nicola faces her biggest challenge as a publicist when she is forced to represent her superstar ex-boyfriend, Seamus, when he returns from rehab. Her boss Gaynor is struggling to keep the PR agency afloat, and Seamus is one client who definitely won't leave as long as Nicola is around. He's willing to do anything to win her back - even start a fake relationship for some badly needed good publicity.
Meanwhile, tabloid journalist Billy's integrity is tested when he's asked to print the inside scoop on a troubled star. And as for their bestie Kara? Miss Reality Show may have a sex tape on the market.
With everyone's career and relationships in jeopardy, the three friends must trust each other again - before all their dirty secrets spill." Guilty Pleasure is out in June 2018.
Hollywood is a town where the famous and fame-seekers congregate. Keeping it all going is the publicity machine that aims to put their clients' names up in lights as well as keep a lid on any scandals. Assistant publicist Nicole works for Gaynor, who has no problem pimping her out to clients, including the devilishly handsome Scottish actor Seamus. Her friend Billy makes his dough leaking stories to the press, while her flatmate Kara is hoping to transition from stylist to reality TV star.
Written by two insiders (Dickson is an entertainment reporter and Ketsoyan a publicist), who claim "the jaw-dropping scandals are real but the names are not", it's all a bit crude, with plenty of sex, drugs and power games. At the end I couldn't decide if I enjoyed it or not. For those looking for a racy read about the glitz and seediness of Tinseltown.