The Perils of Cyber-Dating - Julie Spira (2009)
Two failed marriages, four engagement rings and more than 250 cyber-dates . . . Julie Spira brings to us her memoirs of her 15 years of online dating and a range of those memorable moments she has experienced, some great and others not worth the effort. For this book subtitled Confessions of a Hopeful Romantic Looking for Love Online, she has chosen a handful of the dates, telling us a bit about the date and whether it was a success. From the Investment Banker and the Neurologist to the Latin Lover, we laugh, empathise and experience a variety of feelings when we see what Julie went through from being told she looked like a date's dead wife to being proposed to with skywriting. An amazing read that acts both as a cautionary tale and a witty insight into the highs and lows of dating. (PP)