The One That I Want - Allison Winn Scotch (2010)
Tilly Farmer has always been the glue to hold her family together. She
lost her mother to cancer as a teenager and has struggled to keep her
alcoholic father sober while playing mother to her two younger sisters.
She now has the life she has always wanted. She is a guidance counsellor
at her small town alma mater and is married to her high school sweetheart.
They are trying to have a baby and she is confident then her life will be
perfect. Tilly runs into an old friend who offers her a psychic reading. Soon after, Tilly starts having visions of the future that become true. Her visions show her beloved husband packing a moving truck in their driveway and her father relapsing. Suddenly, the future life that she always had so much faith in, is in jeopardy. This is a beautifully written story about the dreams of the future and the reality of what happens when those dreams are shattered. My favourite book so far this year and a definite must-read. (AO)

What if you could see into the future - would you want to know what fate has in store? That's the question at the centre of Allison Winn Scotch's upcoming novel The One That I Want. The summary says: "Tilly Farmer is 32 years old and has the perfect life she always dreamed of: married to her high school sweetheart, working as a school guidance counselor, trying for a baby. But one sweltering afternoon at the local fair, everything changes. Tilly wanders into a fortune teller's tent and meets an old childhood friend, who offers her more than just a reading. 'I'm giving you the gift of clarity,' her friend says. 'It's what I always through you needed.' And soon enough, Tilly starts seeing things: her alcoholic father relapsing, staggering out of a bar with his car keys in hand; her husband uprooting their happy, stable life, a packed U-Haul in their driveway. And even more disturbing, these visions start coming true. Suddenly Tilly's perfect life, so meticulously mapped out, seems to be crumbling around her. And as she furiously races to keep up with - and hopefully change - her destiny, she faces the question: Which life does she want? The one she's carefully nursed for decades, or the one she never considered possible?" The One That I Want is out in June. Head to the author's website for an excerpt. Winn Scotch is working on her fourth book, The Memory of Us, which will be out mid-2011. It's about a woman who loses her memory after surviving a plane crash.