The cover of Jane Green's next novel, Promises to Keep (to be known as The Love Verb in Britain), has been released. The summary says: "Callie Perry has a pretty perfect life. It may not be everyone's idea of happiness - her husband spends more time travelling for his job as a commercials director than he does at home - but it works for her. It gives her time to work - she is a successful family photographer - and be around for her two kids, and her friends. She lives in Bedford, New York, is beloved by all who know her, and wakes up every morning grateful for how happy she is. Her younger sister, Steffi, the baby of the family, has never grown up. In her early 30s and the epitome of a free spirit, she's never held down a job, or a boyfriend, for longer than six months. Her latest incarnation is as a vegan chef. She's living with the latest unsuitable man, in a sixth floor walk up in Soho, and her parents have almost given up hope that she'll ever learn what it is to be responsible. Lila Grossman is Callie's best friend. Single, she's finally met the man of her dreams. Ed has a son she adores, a crazy ex-wife she doesn't, and she finally feels ready to settle down. If, that is, their goals are the same. And then there are Callie and Steff's parents. Walter and Honor . Divorced for almost 30 years, they haven't spoken for most of that time. They may share two grown-up daughters, but it is agreed by all who knew them, they share little else. Until they all receive a shocking phone call that changes their lives forever, and brings them all together one short, snowy winter." Promises to Keep is out in June. See Green's website for details of why this is the hardest book she's written.