The Lost Girls - Jennifer Baggett, Holly C. Corbett and Amanda Pressner (2010)
Jen, Holly and Amanda are all friends in their mid-20s and each has reached a point in life when they need a break from gruelling work schedules and commitment-fearing boyfriends. One year prior, while on a trip in Argentina and Brazil, the girls made a pact that they would take a year off work and travel the globe. At the time, though they all said they would do it at some point, the three girls felt as though they had too many ties in Manhattan to actually take time off from their demanding lives. So, the idea was put to rest until one day when all three came to the conclusion that it was the right time to join forces and travel. The girls start out in Peru and enjoy meeting the natives and other travellers and end their journey with a tribal ceremony in Africa. They hike mountains, kayak down the raging Amazon River and contract illnesses that aren't easily cured. The monumental trip binds the women together while also helping them figure out what it is they really want out of life and their relationships. It is written exceptionally well with great dialogue and engaging locales. However, it was a bit too long at almost 600 pages and many events were chronicled by each girl in turn which made it feel like you were reading the same thing three times over despite it being from a different perspective. Subtitled Three Women, Four Continents, One Unconventional Detour Around the World, it's a great read for chick lit and travelogue lovers alike. (AS)

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